
We want you to feel as comfortable as you can over the weekend, so please take our suggestions as just that.

Friday evening

Friday's dinner will be in Straubinger with hearty Bavarian fare. It is a restaurant we have been to many times with friends when we visit for Oktoberfest. That's why we thought it would be a great opportunity to dust down those lederhosen or dirndl or to try them on for the first time... you won't be disappointed!

If you don't have them, lederhosen and dirndl can be hired or bought at lots of places in Munich.

For buying, Wies'n Tracht & Mehr is a slightly camp but fun place and you are guaranteed a warm welcome and a glass or prosecco! http://www.wiesn-tracht-mehr.de/. There are six stores around Munich and store number 2 on the Tal street is the closest to the Cortiina hotel.

Directly opposite is another store called Almenrausch. http://www.almenrausch-muenchen.de/kollektion/.

For higher end the Lodenfrey department store has a great selection and is in the centre of Munich. Men's lederhosen: http://www.lodenfrey.com/Trachten/Herren/Lederhosen/. Women's dirndl: http://www.lodenfrey.com/Trachten/Damen/Dirndl/.

Hiring is an alternative and both lederhosen and dirndl can be hired from Lederhosen & Trachtenverleih, http://www.lederhosenverleih.de/1-1-Home.html or from Bavarian Outfitters, http://shop.bavarian-outfitters.de/index/default.php?language=en.

in London, Angels fancy dress hire on Shaftsbury Avenue also rents lederhosen and dirndl, http://www.fancydress.com/costumes/.


Lounge suits with ties for men and summer dresses for women.

Other than that it's about you having a great time in Munich, feeling comfortable and enjoying yourselves.